Sunday, September 19, 2010


In the video, "Web 2.0... The machine is us/ing us", by Micheal Wesch, It made me think about how the internet gains its information and how much information it gains a day, this matters to me because one day the internet and all machines could know everything. This matters to education Because soon the internet could gain so much information that we would not need books any more. This matters to the world because, if the internet knows everything, there would not be a need too find information anywear besides the computer. All in all, in the wideo "Web 2.0... The machine is us/ing us" by Micheal Wesch, it made me think about machines, and how much information they are getting and how they are getting it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PLN6 re-done

After reading the article, “Car Thief Nabbed near Jeffco Elementary School”, I felt less safe than I usually do. This matters to me because I wouldn’t want my car to be stolen because cars cost alot of money. This matters to education because people need to learn how to be safer when it comes to robberies by locking car doors, or just being more aware. This matters to the world because people don’t want to get there cars stolen and people want to live safely. All in all, after reading the article, “Car Thief Nabbed near Jeffco Elementary School”, I felt less safe than before reading it because I don’t want to get my car stolen.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What matters

There is a lot of things that matter to me...

Skateboarding matters to me. Skateboarding will never get boring. I can skateboard anywhere there is concrete. I can skateboard with my friends or alone and it is just as fun ether way. My favorite tricks are the Inward Heel flip and the double kicks flip. Skateboarding in competitions is very fun too.

Family matters to me. My family helps me with a lot of things and makes sure that I do well in school.

Friends matter to me. Without friends I would be bored all the time and would have nothing to do.

Snowboarding matters to me. Snowboarding is one of the most fun things that I have ever done. It is an activity that I can do with family and friends and is good exercise too.

Lacrosse matters to me. I think lacrosse is the most fun sport there is. I like how the game is played, and I have met many friends while playing it too.

School matters to me. School teaches us everything we need to know in order get have a good life. With out it I would not have a good enough education to get a good job and make money.


In the article, “Footprints in the Digital Age” by, Will Richardson, It was very interesting how when someone googles you they can find out a lot about you. This matters to me because in the future, if someone googles me I want them to think good things about me. This matters to education because; Collages can Google you to see if you really are a good person for that certain college. This matters to the world because anyone can find out about anyone now and if someone is a misanthrope, they can hate you even more. In conclusion, I find it very interesting how Google can affect our lifes so much.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I read the article,  "Woman killed as jeep falls more than 1,000 feet, "by, Yesenia Robles and I thought it is sad how a woman fell from about 1, 200 ft - 1, 300 ft and died near Georgetown Lake. This matters because it is tragic when people die. This matters to me because this person was very unlucky to have fallen off of a cliff. This matters to education because it is important to know about new and important events around your area. This matters to the world because now they know that they have to make the roads safer and this could have affected many people. All in all, after reading the article "Women killed as jeep falls more than 1000 feet" I felt sad about what had happened.


In the article Is Google Making Us Stupid by, Nicholas Carr,  I disagree the google is making us stupid. This article was about how we do our thinking and reading in a book verses on the internet or off of google. I can connect to this article because on the internet i usually just skim the text, but when reading a novel, i actually read every word. This connects to education because schools use the internet as a source of information a lot. And if students don't actually read and learn from them than the schools might need to change something. This connects to the world because, everyone is starting to think differently and skimming articles so books are becoming less important. All in all, I disagree with the article Is Google Making Us Stupid.