Sunday, October 3, 2010

pln 9 RE-DO

In the article,”Rigor Redefined”, by Tony Wagner, he talks about what students need to learn to be successful in their lives and for our future generation to be the best it can be so the world will run well. This matters to me because i want to be a successful philanthropist in my life. This matters to education because teachers need to know what to teach their students in order for them to be successful. This matters to the world because if schools don't teach our generation the right things than the future will not be good. All in all, in the article,”Rigor Redefined”, he talks about what students need to learn in order to be successful in their lives.


  1. Davis- this is a great start. You need to summarize what the article is talking about before connecting to it personally. Also, make sure to use your vocab word of the week.

  2. You stubled a little bit but you made eye contact. good job

  3. Speak up a little bit, good question.

  4. you need to practice it more but good job looking at aduience

  5. Speed up a little bit and look up at the audience, practice before hand and increase the length of your speech. Good question

  6. monotoned, look up more. kind of short. good job

  7. the black is distracting, lookiing at card alot, looking in one spot when you do look up, swaying back and fourtrh, i think i spelled fourth wrong but im not sure, the cast on your arm looks hard, yup

  8. No your material and practice before you go on, and have better pronucuation

  9. good presentation. don't be so nervous. take your time and speak clearly. good question. good job.

  10. You could use some practice but other then that it wasn't bad.

  11. Nice presentation just work on pronunciations.

  12. Good start, good connections, good question.

  13. really good presentation with good question at the end

  14. Yeaaa daviss!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good question and presentation

  15. You spoke a little to quietly and you could have made your overall presentation longer. Good question though.

  16. You had a well worked speech put you read it very slow

  17. Davis- this is good post Remember to summarize more of the article/video before connecting to it. Also, you good use of the vocab word in your entry.
