Monday, October 11, 2010

PLN 11

            After reading the article,” 2020 Vision”, by Karl Fisch, I was surprised on reading about what the world will be come in the next ten years. The article says that Google will combine with many large companies and will become a very big influence on everybody’s life. This matters to me because all of these changes will have a great impact on my future success. This matters to education because this will change the way everybody learns. This matters to the world because Google will become very powerful, many more technologies will be invented making learning faster, easier, and better, and the world will be much better off. All in all, after reading the article,” 2020 Vision”, by Karl Fisch, I realized how much the world will change in the next ten years, as well as my education, and my life.

1 comment:

  1. Davis- this is one of your best posts thus far! Remember to summarize more of the article/video before connecting to it. Also, you need the vocab word (philosopher) in your entry.
